Thursday, 11 April 2019

Spiritual Bond between Me and a cat that goes beyond science

This post is 15 years over due and seriously needs to be shared, Because it is a discovery that adds to the amazing things that mankind can do.
Please be warned, Open mind is recommended.

During 2003 I used to be a Security Guard at college in Clifton in Nottingham.
I used to do night shifts and only live 5 minutes walk away from my Job.
Jake the cat connected with me from kitten and we shared an understanding that needed no words.

When I used to go to work, Jake would later show up and do patrols around the site with me and I used to have a table in the boiler house where I would camp in-between patrols throughout the shift, I had a hedgehog snuggled under the desk from the cold, and Jake sitting next to the hedgehog.

Jake would sometimes go back to the house for food and then meet up with me again near the time of finishing my job so he could walk back with me. Right by my side walking down the streets like a dog.

If a dog walker was to pass, Jake would hold his ground and the dog owners used to need to pull the dogs around the him.
Jake was the most brave and most wild nature'd cat that ever known and it made me feel like I was the only one with exclusive rights to be so close to him.

After every shift Jake used to try take ownership of my soft pillow right where my head should go, and I would have to find a space for my head at the side.
Most times I had to just make do, its as if he is the working one coming home to bed.

Then one day I came home from work extra sleepy as I had just done a longer shift than normal because late taken off from duty.

So when I got home and ready for bed, Jake already had my pillow again, But this time I lifted Jake from the middle of the pillow and placed him at the side.
I then lay ed head faced down just to go, ahhhhh! yes this is great.

Then Jake grabbed me on the back of the neck with his mouth and I then awwww Jake what ya doing?
I did laugh at the same time because he really had to debate over the pillow and I said to him I really need the pillow more than you.
I then picked him up and placed him outside my bedroom door and closed it.

Then headed strait to my bed and said, ha ha Jake, I have it all to myself.

Then little did I know, he had already thought up a plan.
He ran down stairs and out the the cat flat of back door, and then climbed onto conservatory roof in rear garden and onto window ledge and then in the window,
but I was to tired to get up so he made do with the side of the pillow for the first time.

The strangest part of placing him outside my room door, is that I also imagined that's what he would do if he was a smart cat, and his timing was so unreal that it was as if he picked up on my thoughts.

OK this routine lasted a while until the moment that has left  be baffled all these years, even to this day.
There was one time when I was going to bed, it was light outside, I think it was my Day off, but still I sleep the same as when i worked.

On this time I laid down about to go to sleep, I heard a heart beat loud in my hears, at first I thought maybe it was my own, But I was relaxed, Then suddenly when i laid there with eyes closed, my eyes opened to see a shadow of a man looking down towards a corner of a garden hedge, Then the heat beat started to slow down until he closed his eyes and then the heart beat had completely subsided,

I then sat up and thought to myself, what was that? it was so strange and yet impossible, so I brushed it aside as simply a reaction to sleep deprivation and Jake would just come home as normal.

Even when months had passed, I would think, he would still return as I still tried to dismiss that he didn't die even though I could feel an empty gap from that day that i denied in the hope that i could have been wrong.

Now all these years later thinking back, I discovered I can Calm and communicate with wild nature'd cats through emphatic understanding, by offering them a mutual respect that seems to make them click.
Last year I stayed with a night at my nephews dads home, as I was attending a wedding near by and needed somewhere to rest.
In the morning I sat in the hallway on a chair by the stairs and saw a cat.
I gave it my emphatic look and was really calm, He then walked up-to me and licked the back of my hand 3 times.

Darren my Nephews Dad needed to do a school run, and left me at his house with the cat.  I noticed the cat to be quite large but not fat, just well fed.
The back door that lead out from kitchen to the over grown grass, I noticed the cat then hunt and catch a mouse, and completely eaten it for food.
That's answered how he was the way he was. He didn't like what they fed him and this made his wild nature'd personality strong.

I went and sat down in the front room where he soon joined me.
I then thought to myself, that its an opportunity for me to test my abilities.

First he sat on the next armchair arm and looked at me.
Then I attempted to do what I did earlier and connected with him.
Moments later almost like I had just blinked and there he was, with both paws on my chest purring and eyes closed giving an overwhelming happy vibe, Its like he had completely submitted to me or something.
Suddenly there was a very soft warm glow all around the cat, almost invisible if too much thought was taken into account.
I was like, I have no witnesses to this, and my phone was out of reach.
It was an amazing site to see to me.

When I was back at home and talked about the cat to my nephew, his first response,  Ouch that dam cat really hurts.
In fact everyone is afraid of him and said he has bad temper.

I feel privileged to have been treated with respect.
Who knows Jake may have unlocked something in me as a leaving gift, So now i just want to calm more cats for people.

It feels like a super power, so i got interested in the psychology of other creatures too.
empathy abilities work on dogs too, But not all dogs,   Depends on the dog companion and their connection with the dog.

Some people just have pets, and some people connect and bond with their pets in a way words can not..

Its all about how you look at them,  some people just look at the pet, or through them, But a true em-path see them for who they are right to their soul, And when that happens, you can befriend them anyone.

It works on people too, I apologize to all the people who I changed from Criminal ambitions to soft chilled out people. you all know who you are, Bullies at school to gangs who caused trouble when someone looks at them wrong. I have gotten through to them but understanding them and build on it.
some of them were really bad mannered and have bad tempers, but I see through that and they discover that I am still here for them.

There is a lot more I could say about this ability, but for now i will leave you here, and please follow my blog, to be kept up to date.

I have so much to still share with you.