Friday, 29 August 2014

I Dream of a dead woman's spirit trying to re animate her dead body

Last night my dream would be classified as a nightmare to the average dreamer, but I choose to engage into events with interest and curiosity and am only going to report what events happened so here goes...
There was an incident where I found a woman laying down on the floor, she appears to be dead, and yet as I approach I could see that she hadn't been dead long, I also noticed a translucent entity interlaced trying so hard to animate her own body.
She was fighting with so much desperation to move her body.
Sometimes she could move parts of her lips.
Her eyelid would move and sometimes her eyes looked at me as if she was looking at me through a corpse.
She seemed so desperate to not give up as if she had something really important she needed to say or do that meant she had to move her body to make her point.
The woman's body was covered it scabs of dried blood and her hair was very thin and long as if she had been taken down by some biological or radioactive cause.
Maybe this dream was a way of showing me a perspective of thought that I would never have thought up.
Could this be a sign of something to come? Or the fact that when some people get killed or die, that they try with great effort to hold onto their own bodies so badly but don't have anybody in our realm that can see them.
Please comment if you know what this dream is trying to tell me, I normally can translate my own dreams, but need to take some time to think about this before I can see what it means.
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